In Love, live Loyal, Love life


Example:-Love is the gift of the world that makes life beautiful, after falling in love, a different feeling comes. At that time, forgetting everything, we keep thinking only about that person.

Love is a filling that is not express in word. Love come in exist when we come in exist.


is essential in everyone's life and life without love is zero. Love is not limited to just love with a spouse but instead there is a variety of love - love with family, love with parents, self love, love over our work, and more. In all cases, love plays an important role in one's development.

But sometimes, we go through a difficult phase in love and face many challenges in maintaining trust with our loved ones, and at that time a love motivational speech helps us understand the importance of love with the right person and live life successfully. The motivation that helps us to overcome the hardships of life alone is for love, as we all do hard work, struggle, etc. in our lives.

When you love the right person and do what you love or do what you love; You are real to yourself. It helps you make the impossible possible and enables you to achieve success and happiness in life.


Challenges and failures are a part of life and we all have to go through these two. In our lives, we all face many difficult phases, and in that moment we think about giving up. But, motivational speech on life brings positive energy and gives you the power to fight such difficult stages.

Life gives us many opportunities to grow and the hardships or challenges we face throughout our lives depend on our choices. We don't need to think too much if our goals in life are small, but if we dream big we must be prepared to face big challenges. The difference between success and failure in life depends on - how we respond, how we adapt and how we adapt.

Story begins 

Love is the gift of the world that makes life beautiful, after falling in love, a different feeling comes. At that time, forgetting everything, we keep thinking only about that person. I am going to tell you one such heart touching love story :-

Real love story -

Once a boy and a girl became friends on Facebook. The special thing about this friendship was that the girl once had a friendship between a boy and a girl on Facebook.

The special thing about this friendship was that the CHRISMA had seen the VINOD RAJ. But the vinod had never seen the girl CHRISMA. Both lived in the same city. But never met, there was only friendship online.

Slowly both of them fell in love with each other. As it happens in the friendship of VINOD RAJ and CHRISMA


Both loved each other very much. Both used to be chatting for hours everyday.

Then both of them thought that now this love should also be given some form, so both of them decided to meet.

Both of them said that they will meet tomorrow at 4 o'clock in the park.

The boy asked  will you come identify ??

So the girl said that I will come in a pink dress and I will have a white rose in my hand.

The boy went to meet the girl very happily in the evening of the next day. When he reached there, he was shocked by what he saw.

There stood a fat ugly woman, in a pink dress with a white rose 

Her age was also more than that boy

But the boy remembered all those loving things and went ahead and went to that girl and said - I LOVE YOU ️

And where am I your friend VINOD RAJ whom you have come here to meet.

Hearing this, the girl smiled and said that I am not the one whom you have come to meet. Because your friends wants to know how loyal You're, so she kept a test for you..

Your girlfriend is standing there under the tree. Then the woman called the girl with her voice.

The girl asked as soon as she came, would you have loved so much if the one you wanted was this girl?? That girl has given the answer to this, this boy has seen that he really loves you.

Otherwise, it could have gone back after seeing me. Because I didn't even recognize him. The woman said 

The boy also said that I have loved you, have decorated you in your dreams. Every moment I have felt your sweet words, its fragrance is decorated in my heart.

I have felt… and there was no picture of you in all this. I just came to know that if I have loved you then I have done it.

Whatever it is..............


Hearing this, the girl hugged the boy..... Tears were flowing from his eyes, because he had found this true loving partner.


Friends, love is blind, it does not require a clean person but a clean heart.

Friends, if you like this story, then you must share it with your friends.

People say that love is the only thing that no one can separate.


It is not easy to fall in love, those people who are very lucky are those who get their love. Otherwise, the whole life does not give anything for pain, 

Quote for love life

Never fall in love 

with someone's status 


He has a rich heart 

hidden in poor clothes.

Author: Vinod sam, ✍️ 

🖤 Rk vinod kumar Rathod 


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